No one is talking about disarming the citizens?

 It seems as if, without fail, whenever the conservative claim that the left wants to disarm the American people, the common retort is that no one actually wants to do this. 

This really depends on how one defines "disarm", however, as it isn't drastic, overnight, total gun bans that have the conservatives alarmed, it's the piecemeal, gradual gun and gun accessory bans that have them worried. Partial disarmament is gradual disarmament, and results in total disarmament, goes the slippery slope reasoning. 

Now, before anyone jumps on the "slippery slope is a fallacy" train, I want to address the fact that fallacies aren't fallacious because they're always wrong, they're fallacious because they aren't always right. Sometimes a slope is slippery and leads exactly where people say it will. Besides, just because someone argues using a fallacy, that also doesn't mean they are necessarily wrong.

So, are there actually people talking about disarming the American citizens?

There is a list of 200 businesses and CEOs that are pro-gun control.

Michael Bloomberg has talked about getting guns out of the hands of minorities, has blocked video of himself talking about gun control (maybe this is the reason why those on the left don't think anyone's talking about disarming the American citizen), has reportedly stated that the average American shouldn't have guns in crowded places (source is a Twitter link that appears broken). Other gun-control advocates claim Bloomberg was simply generalizing, and his statement lacked nuance, but that's unconvincing. Without a recording or some original source of the statement, it's questionable whether he actually said it, but it's been repeated enough that it might be true. Are these overgeneralized, or Freudian slips?

Virginia Haussegger, Australian journalist, wants to eliminate personal weapons. Why mention an Australian journalist? Because Australia is one country commonly pointed out as the example we should follow in our gun ban laws.

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke wants to take AR-15s and AK-47s (in response to a mass shooting). And if those are the only guns you own? Then you'll be effectively disarmed. And just take a stroll down that comment section on O'Rourke's Tweet. Not only are they not taking this to be a defensive statement, but concluding that confiscation is the way to go. Yes, indeed, many people are talking about disarmament. 

Dianne Feinstein wants to re-up her "Assault Weapon" ban from 1994 since it expired, and reduce the number of "military features" that qualify a firearm as banable, from two to one. Including the barrel shroud, which is a safety feature, not a military feature. Her hypocrisy is on display, however, as those very weapons she wanted to ban could be grandfathered in. She would have gone for banning all guns, if she had her way. Some of this is old news, but you can bet she hasn't changed her tune in the nearly three decades since.

Hillary Clinton advocated lawsuits against gun manufacturers by victims of gun violence. This is not the same as suing vehicle manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies for faulty design, she wants you to sue for injuries caused by third parties.  

Former President Obama supported a gun-control bill in 2004, and a sentiment attributed to him by the Press at the time was that he "opposed letting people use a self-defense argument if charged with violating local handgun bans by using weapons in their homes." According to article author, John Lott, Mr. Obama had said, to his face, "I don't believe that people should be able to own guns."

I'll update with more sources as I find them.


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