Is there a Video of Antifa being bussed in and escorted by Police to infiltrate the riot at the Capitol?

     There's a video circulating, and there's some mixup about when and where it was taken. 


Major points:

1. The video predates the January 6th riot.

2. The man in the video doesn't say where he is. 

3. Whether the people being bussed in are in fact Antifa or not is unknown to me at this time.


Here's an example (Archive 3/3/2021):

The title reads: 

"He says ANTIFA being bussed into DC by Police and he has video proof!!!! Washington DC"

The date of this posting is indeed January 6th, 2021, which on the surface of it would appear to be ironclad as far as the date is concerned.

But there's two problems with that. There's at least two sources of this video predating 2021.

One can be found on Facebook here, (Archive 3/3/2021) and the other on Twitter is here. (Archive 3/3/2021) I tried sharing these links before, and apparently one of them came up as a dead link for the other person, so i'll share screenshots.

    Where this video originated, I haven't tracked down yet, it could be one of these, it could be another, but the exact origin isn't relevant. What's relevant is the date of their posting, both on December 8, 2020. 

    The next point of contention would be the location. This is of secondary importance at best, as it doesn't really matter where it was in relation to the DC riot on the 6th of January, but it is of relevance to any other riot/demonstration/protest where this might have happened.

    Examining the video, I was able to determine a few points regarding location:

1. "Sittin' up on summit"

2. Officer wearing armor is labeled "State Patrol". 

3. Street corner sign is too blurry to make out.

There may be more to uncover as I scrub through the video for clues, but I'll have to update that when I can get to it.


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