
Showing posts from September, 2021

No one is talking about disarming the citizens?

 It seems as if, without fail, whenever the conservative claim that the left wants to disarm the American people, the common retort is that no one actually wants to do this.  This really depends on how one defines "disarm", however, as it isn't drastic, overnight, total gun bans that have the conservatives alarmed, it's the piecemeal, gradual gun and gun accessory bans that have them worried. Partial disarmament is gradual disarmament, and results in total disarmament, goes the slippery slope reasoning.  Now, before anyone jumps on the "slippery slope is a fallacy" train, I want to address the fact that fallacies aren't fallacious because they're always wrong, they're fallacious because they aren't always right. Sometimes a slope is slippery and leads exactly where people say it will. Besides, just because someone argues using a fallacy, that also doesn't mean they are necessarily wrong. So, are there actually people talking about disarmi